Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Quote: Fellowship with God

~ How Is Your Intimacy With God? ~

Which member(s) of the Trinity should you fellowship with?

The following is an excerpt from a book.

God desires fellowship with you! In fact, you can fellowship with all three members of the Trinity! The result of such fellowship is joy. Conversely, when you are not in fellowship with God, you are depriving yourself of true joy and “the peace that passes understanding.” Restoration of intimacy renews joy. This is the experience of Christians. There can be no fullness of joy without a vital, living, dynamic, and on-going relationship with Jesus Christ. As you live in intimacy with God, God is pleased with your life.

All members of the Trinity will fellowship with you. All members of the Trinity are also involved in the three aspects of the will of God. God the Father is the member most associated with the sovereign will of God. Jesus Christ, while on earth, provided a role model for you regarding the general will of God. Jesus Christ also clearly followed the specific will of God for Him. It is the Spirit of God who is most active in guiding you with regard to the specific will of God. This will become increasing clear as the two models are developed completely.

The bottom line is that God does not desire more people seeking to love themselves more. God desires more of His people seeking to love Him more. As you become more intimate with God, you find out more of what God is like and it lifts you above your circumstances. You gain true self-worth and self-confidence because not only are you made in His image but you are becoming more like Him. The greater your God becomes, the higher your value rises.

~ from “THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH: Understanding God’s Will for You” by Robert Lloyd Russell, pgs 49-50 (ISBN: 9781606474303)
Learn more about this important book at Amazon, the Publisher, or the Author’s website. 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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