Thursday, October 17, 2019

Truth, 1of5

~ God, The Father Is Truth ~

Series Introduction  ~  The Creator of this universe clearly asserts that there is “absolute truth.”  Each member of the Trinity confirms this—as does the Word of God.  Thus, the popular concept of a few decades ago of their being “relative truth” and the current common perception of “your truth” and “my truth” are false narratives according to Almighty God. 

Key Scripture  ~  “Therefore thus says the Lord God: ‘Behold, My servants shall eat, but you shall be hungry; Behold, My servants shall drink, but you shall be thirsty; Behold, My servants shall rejoice, but you shall be ashamed; Behold, My servants shall sing for joy of heart, but you shall cry for sorrow of heart, and wail for grief of spirit.  You shall leave your name as a curse to My chosen; for the Lord God will slay you, and call His servants by another name; so that he who blesses himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he who swears in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hidden from My eyes’” (Isaiah 65:13-16). 

Other Passages  ~  “Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him in His talk.  And they sent to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, ‘Teacher, we know that You are true, and teach the way of God in truth; nor do You care about anyone, for You do not regard the person of men.  Tell us, therefore, what do You think?  Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?’” (Matthew 22:15-17; cf. Mark 12:14; Luke 20:21). 

Comment  ~  God is the source of all truth.  Have you come to a point in your life where you realize this fact?  If not, why not?

Closing Thought  ~  There is a common saying, “Figures don’t lie—but liars figure!”  In other words, people can manipulate data.  While that may be true, the reality is truth is always truth—even if the majority doesn’t believe it to be (or if data has been manipulated)!  In like manner that which is false is untrue regardless of how many believe it to be true.  C.S. Lewis put it this way, “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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