Showing posts with label 1 John 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 John 1. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

God Particle or God Light?

~ Do Recent Discoveries Move Man Closer to Truth? ~      

Contact: Robert Lloyd Russell

God Particle or God Light?
Do recent discoveries move man closer to truth?

WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA—With the believed discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson particle (popularly known as the “God particle”), many physicists believe man has taken a significant step toward understanding a basic mechanism of how our universe is held together. If so, it provides a major key to understanding the existence of all things. God Light: Sunlight Sonlight identifies Biblical truth regarding the source of all energy on earth—light from our sun.

Thirty years in development, God Light (paperback, 978-0-7414-7553-4; e-book, 0-7414-7554-1) provides a new look at the role of the Son of God. “In Him [the Son of God] we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). “In Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17). John, the beloved apostle, tells us that “God is light” (1 John 1:5).

Scientists have known for decades that sunlight is essential to all life on earth. In Part One God Light shows clear parallels between the attributes of God and the attributes of light. Part Two provides an overview of the “Light of the World” in Scripture. Part Three compares the interaction of physical objects with natural light and human beings with spiritual light. All three parts are full of practical ramifications and applications.

God Light is part of the “Christian Concepts Series” (Timeless Truths * Contemporary Perspectives). It is available now from Infinity Publishing, Amazon and other sources. Retailers may order God Light through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The most recent prior release in this series won five national and international literary awards.

Robert Lloyd Russell currently resides in Camas, Washington.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Extra: “GOD LIGHT” Release

~ “GOD LIGHT: Sunlight Sonlight” is Finally Available ~       

Thirty years in development, this just-released revolutionary book provides a new look at God’s attributes! Part two provides an overview of the “Light of the World” in Scripture. Part Three compares the interaction of physical objects with natural light and human beings with spiritual light. All three parts are full of practical ramifications and applications. Chapters are short—great for busy lifestyles; however, each chapter has a Think & Grow section for further contemplation. A great book for group study! 

Title: “GOD LIGHT: Sunlight Sonlight
Author: Robert Lloyd Russell
ISBN:  978-0-7414-7553-4  
Pages: 302 
Part of the “Christian Concepts Series” (Timeless Truths * Contemporary Perspectives)

Available from Infinity Publishing,  Amazon, and other sources.

Reviewer Quotes

“First there was Tozer with The Knowledge of the Holy, and then Packer gave us Knowing God, and now Russell has taken us further with God Light. … There is a tremendous need for a book on this subject. We have witnessed the publication of many books around the statement ‘God is Love,’ but I cannot recall ever seeing one around the statement ‘God is Light.’ It is important that these two attributes of God be brought into conjunction with each other because it is really impossible to discuss love intelligently without understanding light.” (Dr. Earl D. Radmacher, General Editor, Nelson Study Bible/New King James Study Bible)

“This is truly amazing. I marvel at the wisdom God has given you and the talent to put it on paper in a meaningful/fascinating way. I have anything but a scientific mind! I found myself saying out loud, ‘Wow, that's amazing,’ many times. I worked through the technical only to be thrilled by the application at the end of each chapter. The parallel of God and His Son to the sun is brilliant! I know it’s in God's Word but you have brilliantly explored His message and made it meaningful to an ‘un-brilliant’ person such as myself!You have opened my eyes to the light around me. Yesterday, as I looked at the clouds casting shadows on the earth, I thought of the truths you have taught me. I look at ordinary things differently. I have already used many of the truths in my mentoring and find myself sharing your thoughts in everyday conversation. … This is so rich! … This is great! … Wonderful! … Mind boggling to say the least! … Great material for discussion! … Application pieces are truly inspired!” (Elizabeth Hightower, Women’s Ministries Leader, Laurelwood Baptist Church) 


“He obviously is hitting on all twelve cylinders! What an exciting insight into Christ as the light of the world. Thank God for people like this who have the background to illuminate some of these Biblical concepts.” (Dr. Joe Aldrich, President, Multnomah Bible College & Biblical Seminary)

“I was utterly fascinated... I am impressed with the work that you have done, with the directionality it has... I do believe that you have an important message which could be greatly used of the Spirit of God in the world today both among the Christian community and in pre-evangelism of the world.” (Dr. Ronald Barclay Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Seminary)

“It is must reading.” (Richard C. Halverson, Chaplain, U.S. Senate) 

“The content is terrific... This is a timely book... There is so much content that many other books and articles could be written from small parts of it.” (Dr. Freeman L. Schmitt, Senior Pastor) 

“I got so involved in the subject and read with such great interest that I had trouble reading it critically for accuracy.” (Maury J. Merrick, Light Consultant & Optics Professor)

“I find it most inspirational. I can’t profess to knowing anything of physics, never having studied the subject: but the explicit way in which you describe it all – I feel I am able to understand... You make the reader think, and that is a great talent.” (Evelyn Cox, homemaker) 

“I loved the book God Light!... It is very well written and very understandable. Without seeming condescending or talking down to anyone he gets the point across. The Josh McDowell book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, is good too... as soon as I finish it I plan on reading God Light again. It’s definitely the better of the two.” (Bobby Glasgow, prison inmate) 

Why not obtain your personal copy of "GOD LIGHT: Sunlight Sonlight" today.
Available from Infinity Publishing,  Amazon, and other sources.
~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW