Showing posts with label profit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label profit. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spiritual Paradoxes, 2of2

~ Where’s the Profit? (Occupational Therapy) ~

A number of years ago there was a well-known television commercial in which an elderly lady looking at her hamburger asks, “Where’s the beef?” In other words, where is the heart of what I ordered? Apply that concept to the Christian life and ask, “Where’s the profit?”

The following excerpt is from a sermon by R.G. Lee (1886-1978) entitled “Paths of Disappointment” which was based on a single verse from Solomon (the wisest man who ever lived). “Vanity of vanities; all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

What shall it profit a man if he be a great artist and know not Jesus, the One Who is Altogether Lovely?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great architect and know not Jesus, the Chief Corner Stone?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great baker and know not Jesus, the Living Bread?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great banker and know not Jesus, the Priceless Possession?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great biologist and know not Jesus, the Life?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great builder and know not Jesus, the Sure Foundation?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great carpenter and know not Jesus, the Door?

What shall it profit a man if be a great doctor and know not Jesus, the Great Physician?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great educator and know not Jesus, the Teacher?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great engineer and know not Jesus, the New and Living Way?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great farmer and know not Jesus, the Sower and Lord of Harvests?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great florist and know not Jesus, the Rose of Sharon?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great geologist and know not Jesus, the Rock of Ages?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great astronomer and know not Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great horticulturist and know not Jesus, the True Vine?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great judge and know not Jesus, the Righteous Judge?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great jurist and know not Jesus, the True Witness?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great jeweler and know not Jesus, the Pearl of Great Price?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great lawyer and know not Jesus, the Sinner’s Advocate?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great philanthropist and know not Jesus, the Unspeakable Gift?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great philosopher and know not Jesus, the Wisdom of God?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great sculptor and know not Jesus, the Living Stone?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great student and know not Jesus, the Incarnate Truth?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great sinner and know not Jesus, the Lamb of God?

application:  How about you? Is your life spiritually profitable? Are your riches in heaven or on earth? What priorities in your life need adjustment? 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prophets Provide Profits

~ Are You a Profit Seeker? ~

Do you have a profitable life? If so, by what standard?

Do you desire a profitable life? Would you like to hear your earthly parents express genuine pride in your meaningful accomplishments? How about God—when in that future day you stand before God, do you have confidence that He will look you directly in the eye and say, “Well done, you good and faithful child of Mine?” (Matthew 25:20-23).   

God gave us the Scriptures for many reasons. Here, from a single verse, 2 Timothy 3:16, are four critical ways to profit from God’s Word.

But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:14-17, NKJV, emphasis added).

Profitable for Doctrine  ~  Doctrine shows us what is right. Doctrine and theology are beliefs—the Bible tells us what we should believe. Everyone has a set of beliefs which they adhere to. God through His Word tells us what to believe and what not to believe. Yes, there are absolutes!  

Profitable for Reproof  ~  Reproof shows us what is not right. Warnings and reprimands are necessary and clearly given—the Bible tells us when we are headed in the wrong direction. The wrong direction is any path outside of God’s desire for us. 

Profitable for Correction  ~  Correction shows us how to make things right. Correction and refocusing are aimed at our well-being, at pointing us back to the right direction of travel. Through correction we develop a lifestyle that not only pleases God but is best for us.

Profitable for Instruction  ~  Instruction shows us how to keep things right. Intellectual and empirical learning are the road signs pointing out the way in which we should go, the right path—the narrow road of blessing in which we delight our heavenly Father.

Work hard so God can say to you, ‘Well done.’ Be a good workman, one who does not need to be ashamed when God examines your work. Know what his Word says and means” (2 Timothy 2:15-16, The Living Bible).

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW