Showing posts with label longest war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label longest war. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The First War

~ A “Religious” War ~

There is one true World War! The longest war in history. The casualty count is truly staggering! This war consists of two major battles within the larger battle. Daily skirmishes, fighting, local battles including hand to hand fighting, continue today on front lines around the world.

The first ever declaration of war was made by God in Genesis 3:15 when He declared war on Satan. This small verse is full of content including the first promise of a coming Savior for sinful mankind.

Because it includes the first suggestion of a coming Savior and the opportunity for redemption, it is often referred to as the proto-evangelism. Fortunately, the verse not only declares war but also states the ultimate victory will go to Jesus Christ.

This great war named the “War between the Seeds” pits the seed of Mary, Christ, against the seed of the serpent, the antichrist. The declaration of war was spoken to the serpent, the evil one, soon after Adam and Eve fell into sin—it was not spoken to Adam or Eve. In His love God did not declare war on fallen man—but rather on behalf of fallen man!

Of the two most significant skirmishes or battles, one occurred in the past and the other will occur in the future. The past “Battle of the Heel” was not fatal. Christ died on the Cross in order to provide salvation for fallen man—Satan at first appeared to be victorious. However, Christ rose from the grave conquering death and Satan was wounded (but not destroyed). The future “Battle of the Head” (Revelation 20) will be fatal to Satan. Christ will then have complete victory! (Romans 16:20)

Between these two climactic battles is an unbroken series of wars and conflicts made up of greater and lesser battles, all of them but skirmishes in an effort to gain advantage for the final showdown. If you are a Christian, you are a soldier of the Cross engaged in this ongoing war.

The proto-evangelism is also interesting as it contains the first mention of the virgin birth. In Scripture the seed is always traced though the male line with this one exception. Jesus Christ is called the seed of the woman! It was by a woman that sin entered into the human race and it will be by a woman that a Savior will come.

An important implication of this verse is that since the seed of the woman is a real person, the antichrist by logical extension is also a real person!

The Word of God declares that all Christians are involved in this war and that there is no discharge from the war (Ecclesiastes 8:8). Fortunately we are provided with an offensive weapon (the Word of God) and all the defensive armor we need (Ephesians 6:10-20, 2 Corinthians 10:4).

The Battle of the Seeds began in Genesis 3:20 and will end in Revelation 20.