Showing posts with label New Year’s Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year’s Day. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year 2023

 ~ Make 2023 Count ~


Quote  ~  “I wish, my brothers and sisters, that during this year you may live nearer to Christ than you have ever done before.”  C.H. Spurgeon 


Principle  ~  Disciples are followers of Christ.  They are to  imitate their role model.


Scripture  ~  “And Jesus increased in wisdom [intellectually] and stature [physically], and in favor with God [spiritually] and men [socially].”  Luke 2:52


Comment  ~  Go you and do likewise! 


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.


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Saturday, January 1, 2022

This Year I Will …

 ~ … Make Just One Commitment ~


Introduction  ~  One of the reasons many New Year Resolutions fail is that they are just one resolve of many.  It becomes overwhelming to accomplish them all and in the end few, if any, of the resolutions are accomplished. 


Suggestion  ~  Resolve to do just one thing everyday in 2022.  If you succeed with this one thing it will resolve many other issues in life.  Here it is: Each morning as you arise from your bed take a few minutes (even one minute will do) to reflect upon the Cross of Calvary and what it means to you personally. 


Comment  ~  I have been trying to make this an absolute daily habit for some time now.  I don’t always succeed, but I’m improving.  This one simple thing does wonders in many ways as you live your daily life!


The Most Important Issue In Life  ~  Have you settled your eternal destiny?  Right this moment you are headed for either heaven or hell – there is no third alternative.  Unless you make a deliberate decision you are headed to an eternal punishment.  If you are ready to receive the forgiveness and loving acceptance that Christ offers then it is as simple as A-B-C:

A” ~ Admit that you have sinned and need a strength beyond your own.

B” ~ Believe in the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

C” ~ Choose to trust Christ as your Savior and to learn of Him, seek to follow Him, and in so doing possess “the peace that passes any human understanding.” 

For more specific help visit


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.

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