Showing posts with label annual report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label annual report. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2022

EXTRA: Author Review

 ~ Annual Report (December 31, 2021) ~


My Author Mission Statement  ~  I’d rather write what the Spirit guides and have no readers, than appeal to more readers without the Spirit’s guidance.  In other words, I write for an audience of One and leave the results with Him.  


“Abundant Life Now” Blog  ~  Since the first post on October 21, 2009 there have been a total of 3,409 posts.  Posts have reached nearly 200 countries {listed on the right side of the Abundant Life Now website) and translated into more than 100 languages.


Most Popular Posts  ~  The Top 10 are listed at the bottom of the ALN website.


My Favorite Posts  ~  Some are listed along the right side of the ALN website. 


Post Index  ~  See left side of the Abundant Life Now website.


Published Books  ~  Home page:


FREE Author Newsletter  ~  Sign up today and receive an appreciation gift, occasional updates, prayer requests, and special offers.  You can unsubscribe at any time.


eBooks  ~  Eight eBooks are currently available and five more are in process.  One of the big advantages of eBooks is the ease of international and library sales.  At the end of 2021 my eBooks are in a few libraries and 36 countries.


FREE eBook Apps for Your Phone  ~  Simply download no-cost apps to your phone and always have a library with you.  Go to your app store.  Download Amazon Kindle & B&N Nook and you’ll have access to virtually all eBooks.


Note  ~  One advantage of eBooks is you can have a library with you at all times on your smartphone (very handy in waiting rooms or when traveling). 


Print Books  ~  Four print books are available from Amazon and other retailers.


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.


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