Showing posts with label USAIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USAIC. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Follow Me

~ The Patch of the USAIC ~

The "Follow Me" patch is the emblem of the U.S. Army Infantry Center (USAIC).

Notice a few things about the emblem:

First, the familiar wording which our Lord used so often, such as in Matthew 4:19, where we read, "And He said unto them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." This is a most basic message of the Word of God; that men ought to follow Christ.

Second, notice the sword - a two-edged sword, recalling to mind Hebrews 4:12, "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword ..." Just as the Word of God should have a central position in any believer's life, so too the sword occupies the center portion of this emblem.

Third, notice the colors. First we have the blue background - blue is often used to represent the heavens. White is the other color, commonly associated with purity, a tradition which clearly has its origins in Scripture.

Fourth, we notice the only thing left is the emblem's unusual shape. This shape is only possible by the use of an unusual number of sides - seven. Seven can be clearly shown to be the Scripture's number for completeness, perfection, or more accurately "spiritual perfection."

The "Follow Me" patch is the emblem of the U.S. Army infantry headquarters. The Army is clearly the most fundamental branch of any country's armed forces! The infantry is the most basic component of any army! And this emblem belongs to the headquarters of the infantry! Isn't it amazing - the same nation whose motto is "In God We Trust" possesses the "Follow Me" patch at the very heart of its military forces.

NOTE: This short article was Robert Lloyd Russell’s first published Christian content. It was originally published in the April 1982 issue of At Ease magazine – a publication for military personnel.