Showing posts with label Gospels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospels. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4 Activities of Christians

Lessons from the ends of the Four Gospels

Matthew wrote about Christ as the Messiah.
He wrote about what Christ thought and His righteousness.
We are to be holy because He is holy.
Christ is the King and Matthew writes about His kingdom and the path of righteousness.
In the last chapter of the Gospel of Matthew we find that Christians should be Worshippers of Christ (28:9).

Mark wrote about Christ as a Servant.
His writing is about what He accomplished and is filled with action.
(For example, Mark uses the word “immediately” 42 times. The word is used only 33 times in the other three Gospels combined.)
We are commanded to be doing the work of Christ.
Mark’s Gospel is about His humanity and what He did and relates the path of suffering.
At the very end of the Gospel of Mark we find Christians as Workers with Christ (16:19).

Luke wrote about Christ as a Man, the Son of Man, who came to reconcile us to God.
Luke, a physician, wrote about the feelings of our Lord and His relationship to His Father.
Like Christ, we should be telling others about our great God; this is the path of wisdom.
At the end of Luke’s Gospel we find Christians as Witnesses of Christ (24:47-48).

John wrote about Christ as the God-man, the Son of God.
Much of John’s Gospel relates His deity and who He was.
(For example, John uses the word “love” 57 times. The word is found only 33 times in the other three Gospels combined.)
We are to be known by our love for one another and for those who do not know Jesus Christ. We are to walk in the path of love.
Towards the end of the Gospel of John, as the crucifixion neared, we find Christians are reminded of His return and that they are to be Waiting for Christ (16:22).