Showing posts with label perfect salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perfect salvation. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Salvation – 3 of 3

~ Future Reality – Glorification ~

Last time we considered salvation from the aspect of sanctification. Sanctification is marked by the bookends of “justification” and “glorification.” At some future point—perhaps today—Christians will be changed into new glorious bodies and we shall be like Him (1 John 3:2). Perhaps very soon the process of “sanctification” will end. When Jesus Christ returns to take His sanctified saints home to live with Him forever, they will be glorified!

Glorification is really all about joy! Our joy of glory is the final result of our salvation (Jude 24). Our glorification also causes great joy for our God.

Salvation is past tense, Christians have been saved from the penalty of sin. They have a new position in Christ—positional salvation and positional sanctification.

Salvation is present tense, Christians are being saved from the power of sin. They have a new condition as their new spiritual nature allows them to become more and more like Christ. This is present salvation and present sanctification.

Salvation is future tense, Christians will be saved from the presence of sin. They have an expectation of becoming just like Christ. At that time they will have perfect salvation and perfect sanctification.

Salvation past, justification, is a free gift and results from trusting Jesus Christ.
Salvation present, sanctification, is a process of ongoing growth and maturity.
Salvation future, glorification, includes evaluation to determine rewards for our life on earth.

Past justification is a one-time event—it is a birth process bringing spiritual life (the germ).
Present sanctification is a life-long process—it involves a new kind of life (growth).
Future glorification includes a one-time event at the Judgment Seat of Christ—it ushers in eternal life with God (harvest).

The Christian was translated at conversion (Colossians 1:13; Acts 26:18).
The Christian is being transformed by contemplation (Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18).
The Christian will be transfigured at glorification (Romans 8:17, 29-30; 1 Corinthians 15:49-53).

The eternal God is the source of all!
Our eternal salvation is God’s greatest work!
Our eternal life is God’s richest gift!
Our eternal inheritance is guaranteed now!

God has offered such a wonderful free gift! But we must claim it. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2:3).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It Is …

It is written. ~ It is I. ~ It is finished!

“It is written” (Matthew 4:4) relates to the knowledge of salvation.
The fact is salvation can be assured today.
Because God can be trusted, salvation provides certainty.

Jesus Christ said that individuals should not live by physical food alone but through the sustenance of spiritual food—the living Word of God. He goes on to say that we should not test the boundaries with God (negative), but choose to worship and serve God (positive).

“It is I” (John 6:20) has to do with the joy of salvation.
Our salvation will be complete in the future.
God manifests His presence to His own which provides enjoyment.

The disciples were afraid and Jesus came to them and told them that since they were His they should not be afraid. The essence of His message was do not fear what life brings to you (negative) but rather trust in Him to see you through life’s difficulties (positive).

“It is finished!” (John 19:30) concerns the way of salvation.
The reality of salvation was accomplished at the Cross in the past.
Since Jesus Christ conquered death, His followers are guaranteed safety.

History is really His-story! The greatest event in human history occurred at the Cross of Calvary. Hundreds of prophecies were fulfilled. Death was defeated. Satan’s final destination was assured. Sinners have their judgment paid in full but only if they accept the free gift of salvation.

Jesus Christ is the only way, the only truth, and is the only source of spiritual life. No one will go to an eternity with God except those who come through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6).