Showing posts with label little. Show all posts
Showing posts with label little. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Bunch of No Names

~ Exalt the Name Above All Names ~

A good friend once told me that Christians are just a bunch of no names trying to “exalt the name which is above all names.” Another friend has said that we should consider ourselves as “little people doing little things in a fine way for a great God.” Jim Elliot, a martyred missionary, once described Christians as “a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody.”

Do you ever wonder about the little people who…
...influenced Hudson Taylor enough to cause him to sell out to Jesus Christ?
…led Billy Graham to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?
…had a spiritual influence on Dwight L. Moody?
…spoke to Billy Sunday about his need for Jesus Christ?
…paved the way for the Prince of Preachers—Charles Haddon Spurgeon?
…taught a young Martin Luther about Jesus Christ?
…helped develop the compassion, faith, and vision of George Muller?

Sometimes I wonder who will receive the greater reward in heaven. Will it be the public figure who is utilizing great God-given gifts in a public way for His glory? Or will it be the Christian in the background faithfully exercising the role in which God has placed them, carrying out their role in the progress and success of another. Some examples…
…the prayer warrior in the closet (Matthew 6:6).
…the faithful Sunday School teacher.
…the camp counselor faithfully working with young campers.
…the Godly parent.
…the encourager in a local church.
…the one who gives of their time, talent, or treasure to “one of the least of these” (Matthew 25:31-46).
…the financial supporter of a missionary.
…the care-giver showing compassion and God’s love to those who desperately need a glimpse of Jesus Christ.

application:  Are you content to bloom where God has planted you? Are you faithful in the function of His body you are responsible for? Has God blessed you with talent, abilities, and spiritual gifts? “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required” (Luke 12:48).

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW