Showing posts with label Red Sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Sea. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Red Sea Crossing

~ Was It a Miracle? ~

There is an old story from unknown source which I like—not a little!

“A new convert was reading his Bible when he called out, ‘Wow!  Praise the Lord!’  A liberal minister heard him, and asked him what the noise was about.  The young Christian replied with great enthusiasm, ‘This is incredible.  It says here that God performed a miracle of deliverance by opening up the Red Sea for the Jews to march through!’

“The minister replied, ‘Owing to tidal patterns around that time of year, the Red Sea was a swamp that was only three-inches deep.’

“Somewhat subdued, the young man continued reading, but soon exclaimed, ‘Wow!  Praise the Lord!’

“‘What’s the matter now?’ asked the minister.

“To which the Christian replied, ‘God has just drowned the whole Egyptian army in three inches of water!’

“Over 3,000 times, the Bible speaks of its inspiration by God.  His Word is true, and you can believe every word of it.”

closing thought:  This might be a good time to re-read the historical account of the Red Sea crossing (Exodus 14-15:19; Psalm 136; Hebrews 11:29). 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW