Showing posts with label Bible version. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible version. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy 400th Birthday!

~ From 1611 and Still Going Strong ~

2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible also known as the Authorized Version (AV).  The actual birthday is May 5, 2011. 

The King James Version holds a unique position in Christian history, secular history, literature, and technology. It has often been described as the single most important publication in all of history.

Importance ~ Without doubt it is the most important English translation of the Holy Bible. 

Impact ~ It has made a profound impact on the English language and on literature! 

Uniqueness ~ There were in fact other English Bible translations prior to the KJV and many since. It is also interesting to note that it was not the most popular translation when it was published. But no one translation nor one book has impacted the world like the KJV. 

Longevity ~ The KJV is nearly twice as old as the United States. The Declaration of Independence, our national Constitution, and our Bill of Rights are youngsters compared to the KJV Bible. 

Popularity ~ For many decades it was the best-selling book in the world. Estimates are that somewhere between 2.5 and 6.5 billion copies have been sold. 

Survival ~ Arguably no other book has suffered such ferocious attacks or has been so closely scrutinized. Attacks have continued for four centuries by many enemies. Most of those foes are gone but this book lives on. 

Debate ~ Avid readers have always discussed its meaning. Some take it at face value for what the words say. Others have gone to significant lengths to find a secret code locked in its pages. An extreme example is when some speculated that William Shakespeare—who was 46 at the time—was one of the master translators of the KJV. Their reasoning: The 46th word of the 46th Psalm is the word “shake” and the 46th word from the end of the 46th psalm is “spear.” 

On-Going Fan Club ~ There are many Christians alive today who believe the KJV is the only acceptable Bible version. Virtually all theologians hold the KJV in high regard. 

Errors ~ Conservative Christians believe the Holy Bible to be the God-inspired (literally “God breathed”) Word of God without error in the original manuscripts. But that does not mean that translations are flawless. The KJV we read today is not identical to the original KJV. Literally hundreds of changes have been made to the vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Also printer errors have been corrected. 

Probably the worst printer error occurred in 1631 when the royal printers left out the word “not” in the seventh of the ten commandments. It read, “Thou shalt commit adultery.”

Another famous error was what became known as the Vinegar Translation which instead of including the parables of the vineyards it included the parables of the vinegar. 

Selected passages from the KJV ~ “All Scripture [original manuscripts] is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Tim 3:16-17). 

“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:12-13). 

“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever” (1 Peter 1:23). 

Closing Questions ~ Are you born again? Do you possess eternal life so that you will also live and abide forever? If not click here

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EXTRA: Comment to a Comment

~ Bible Translations ~

A comment was received to my most recent blog: “The BEST Bible Version.” The comment seeks to take the reader into a deeper analysis than my blog intention. To this comment I must make two observations.

(1) My blog is not intended to be comprehensive. It is intended to be straightforward, thought-provoking, and easy to read and understand for both the Christian and the pre-Christian.

(2) The comment which was made contains value and points to a more comprehensive analysis of Bible translations—an analysis which I can for the most part agree with.

Thank you.

The BEST Bible Version

~ Which Bible is Best? ~

Some have jokingly remarked, “The King James Version was good enough for the Apostle Paul—so it is good enough for me!” In fact, the KJV was the standard Protestant Bible for hundreds of years and is an excellent translation. However, the question might be, is it the best translation for you?

A word of caution—beware of spiritual pride. Unfortunately the choice of Bible translation can become a source of pride. Consider for example what passes as comedy when people mock certain Bible versions. I have heard the RSV (Revised Standard Version) described as the “Revised Standard Perversion,” the NIV (New International Version) as a “Nearly Inspired Version,” and the NAS (New American Standard) as “Not Authentic Scripture.” I believe spiritual pride regarding which Bible version we read, including mocking legitimate Bible versions, is a form of “sowing discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:19)—something God “hates.” Spiritual pride is perhaps the worst kind of pride in God’s eyes. How that must hurt our God! Be careful about putting down God’s Word in any manner.

However, many Christians are in a legitimate quandary about which Bible version is best—a sincere desire to read the “right Bible.” This blog seeks to demystify Bible versions. First, we should be aware that some Bibles are translations and some, such as paraphrases, are not translations at all—rather the message of the Bible is put in the author’s own words.

Main Categories of Bibles

Word-for-word translations ~ These are heralded by purists. A current popular example would be the New American Standard Bible. Many would include the Authorized Version (nicknamed the King James Version), while others would move it partially toward the next category.

Thought-for-thought translations ~ These provide greater attention to the message, the idea, or the thought which the writer is trying to convey. A current example would be the Contemporary English Version (also known as The Promise). This is a particularly good translation for young people, second-language readers, and for reading aloud.

Idea-for-idea Bibles ~ This category emphasizes easy reading and getting the gist of the message across to the reader. These are typically not translations but rather the human author using his own words in a paraphrase to communicate the overall idea of the passage. Examples would be the Living Bible or more recently The Message.

Few Bible versions fit totally into one of these three categories. Most translations are somewhere between the first two categories. Current Bible versions which are both valuable and popular include the New American Standard Bible (word-for-word), the New King James Version (close to word-for-word), the New International Version (about half way between word-for-word and thought-for-thought), The Living Translation (thought-for-thought), and The Message (idea-for-idea).

Which is Best?

The word-for-word purists are often adamant that they are using the most “accurate” form of the Bible. But that claim depends on what the definition of “accurate” is. The key question which needs to answered: Is the most accurate Bible a word-for-word translation of one language to another language or is accuracy related to what the reader understands and how close the reader’s understanding is to the original intent of the writer?

One rather extreme illustration will suffice. In the Authorized Version (AV / KJV) Romans 1:13 reads as follows (emphasis added): “Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.” The New King James Version renders that verse more accurately: “Now I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that I often planned to come to you (but was hindered until now), that I might have some fruit among you also, just as among the other Gentiles.” Note that over time the word “let” has completely reversed in meaning, resulting in this particular word-for-word translation conveying the opposite meaning from what the writer intended.

What is the best translation? You should decide. My personal view is that your primary Bible should be a translation rather than a paraphrase, and the best Bible translation is the one which you will read and learn from the most. Having available a supplemental idea-for-idea version is often also very helpful.

A FINAL WORD: A Study Bible can also be an excellent choice—but you should be even more careful in selecting a study Bible. Study Bibles contain much additional supplemental material which is not divinely inspired in the same way the Bible is. In choosing a study Bible, in addition to the translation question it is important to know who provided the study notes. What is their theology and base of understanding? Knowing this is of critical importance when choosing a study Bible. Your pastor or other trusted spiritual leader can be of significant help.

CONCLUSION: Any of the versions specifically mentioned in this blog can be a good choice—and there are others. Over the years I have migrated from time to time but my current favorite translation is the New King James Version and my current favorite study Bible is the Nelson Study Bible (more recently marketed as the New King James Study Bible). The General Editor for this study Bible is well-known and greatly-respected conservative theologian, Dr. Earl D. Radmacher, who oversaw the effort by many qualified editors and contributors (about 62 in all). In addition to the NKJV and my study Bible, I also frequently use other versions and paraphrases (such as The Message).