Showing posts with label Psalm 101. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalm 101. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bible 101 (2)

~ The Basics for Daily Christian Living ~

A Mini-Bible Course:  How to live your life based on Psalm 101 where David, “a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22), promises faithfulness to his God.

Psalm 101 (paraphrased for 2011 by Robert Lloyd Russell)

(1)  My theme song is God's love and justice, and I can’t help singing about You—my God!
(2)  I’m finding my way down the road of Christian living, but I long for You to show up and take me and the rest of your believers to be with You forever. I’m trying hard to do the very best I can, and I’m doing it in the trenches of my daily living—trying to make every day count for You.
(3)  I refuse to take a second look at corrupt people, tempting items, or to participate in degrading activities.  I reject making anything more important in my life than my relationship with You—I work hard at staying clear of contamination.
(4)  As a result some who have a deceptive heart stay clear of interaction with me.  I refuse to join in with those who plan evil or purposefully sin.
(5)  I do not repeat gossip which I hear.  I can no longer stand arrogance.
(6)  Now I enjoy genuine salt-of-the-earth people—they’re the ones I want to be with.  Men, women, children, and families who seek to follow You—those are the ones that I enjoy fellowship with.
(7)  Those who live a life of deception and lies do not receive favors from me.  I no longer have patience with liars and cheats.  As I find wickedness in my life, I confess my sin and turn from its practice.
(8)  I am purging all known sin from my life where Your Spirit lives and I seek to honor You in all that I do.

We could grow a lot by reading this psalm of David’s every morning and seeking to apply it throughout each day.

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW