Showing posts with label Ecclesiastes 1:2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecclesiastes 1:2. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spiritual Paradoxes, 2of2

~ Where’s the Profit? (Occupational Therapy) ~

A number of years ago there was a well-known television commercial in which an elderly lady looking at her hamburger asks, “Where’s the beef?” In other words, where is the heart of what I ordered? Apply that concept to the Christian life and ask, “Where’s the profit?”

The following excerpt is from a sermon by R.G. Lee (1886-1978) entitled “Paths of Disappointment” which was based on a single verse from Solomon (the wisest man who ever lived). “Vanity of vanities; all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

What shall it profit a man if he be a great artist and know not Jesus, the One Who is Altogether Lovely?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great architect and know not Jesus, the Chief Corner Stone?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great baker and know not Jesus, the Living Bread?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great banker and know not Jesus, the Priceless Possession?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great biologist and know not Jesus, the Life?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great builder and know not Jesus, the Sure Foundation?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great carpenter and know not Jesus, the Door?

What shall it profit a man if be a great doctor and know not Jesus, the Great Physician?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great educator and know not Jesus, the Teacher?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great engineer and know not Jesus, the New and Living Way?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great farmer and know not Jesus, the Sower and Lord of Harvests?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great florist and know not Jesus, the Rose of Sharon?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great geologist and know not Jesus, the Rock of Ages?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great astronomer and know not Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great horticulturist and know not Jesus, the True Vine?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great judge and know not Jesus, the Righteous Judge?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great jurist and know not Jesus, the True Witness?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great jeweler and know not Jesus, the Pearl of Great Price?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great lawyer and know not Jesus, the Sinner’s Advocate?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great philanthropist and know not Jesus, the Unspeakable Gift?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great philosopher and know not Jesus, the Wisdom of God?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great sculptor and know not Jesus, the Living Stone?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great student and know not Jesus, the Incarnate Truth?

What shall it profit a man if he be a great sinner and know not Jesus, the Lamb of God?

application:  How about you? Is your life spiritually profitable? Are your riches in heaven or on earth? What priorities in your life need adjustment? 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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