Showing posts with label natural abilities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural abilities. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Quote: Natural Abilities

~ Are “All Men Created Equal”? ~

Does Equality Mean Sameness?  

The following is an excerpt from a book.

Whatever natural talent you were born with is only the starting point in life. It takes great discipline and training to develop your physical, musical, or mental potential to its fullest. 

We as a society may value statements such as “all men are created equal,” but in reality we have unequal natural talents. We are all equal in value—since we are all “created in the image of God.” Even God is manifest in three distinctly different persons.  

You should not be surprised at this. God is the Author and Creator of variety. Examine the differences in fingerprints or snowflakes and it becomes clear that equal does not mean same! You are created of equal value and you have an equal opportunity to use your abilities to their fullest. 

~ from “THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH: Understanding God’s Will for You” by Robert Lloyd Russell, pgs 99-100 (ISBN: 9781606474303)
Learn more about this important book at Amazon, the Publisher, or the Author’s website. 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Inferior AND Guilty!

~ Not an “Inferiority Complex,” but Inferior! ~ 
A correct understanding of natural abilities, spiritual gifts, and the grace of God takes away any and all feelings of either inferiority or superiority. What do you possess which is not a gift from God?

There is an old story about a woman looking at proofs of her photography shoot. She complained to the photographer that none of the photos “do me justice.” The photographer replied, “Lady, you don’t need justice, you need mercy!”

One of the amazing things about the Bible is that it paints a realistic and disturbing portrait of its heroes—a portrait that doesn’t match the picture of a problem-free maturity. Consider some examples, Moses hit a rock twice when God had told him to speak to it (Numbers 20:7-12). David stole a woman (2 Samuel 11). Jonah got mad when his enemies turned to God (Jonah 3:10-4:11). Paul felt great despair (2 Corinthians 1:8). Elijah wished to die (1 Kings 19:1-9). Peter was snobbish at a dinner party (John 21:20-25). These and other Biblical narratives of people whom God used give me hope!

When we understand the reality of who we are and our natural tendencies, we realize it is not a question of having a “guilt complex” but rather the issue of guilt. It is not an “inferiority complex” but rather a matter of being flawed at our very core! It is not a case of being superior but rather pride in our heart—and pride is a root of all sin.

What do you have which was not given to you? There is no room for pride or feelings of superiority. What do you lack which is not within the sovereign will of God? There is no room for feelings of inferiority. 

“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29 KJV). The Amplified Bible says it this way, For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call].”

The remedy for all of these maladies is found only in the pharmacy of the Great Physician. Jesus Christ died for you. If you accept His Rx, you become His chosen representative on earth (1 Peter 2:9).

Man and woman were the epitome of creation before sin entered (with a huge element of pride). However, because of the death of Jesus Christ on your behalf, you can be restored to the top and have a right relationship with God.

For many years I have realized that every Godly person I have known has had a deep sense of their own sinfulness.

Look at the progress of spiritual maturity in the life of the Apostle Paul. At the beginning of his ministry he referred to himself as an “Apostle” (Romans 1:1, etc.). As his life progressed, he called himself the least of apostles” (1 Corinthians 15:9). Then he called himself a sinner (Romans 7) and later he called himself the chief of sinners” (1 Peter 1:15).

Also, when I study the Word of God I also find that everyone in Scripture who had a direct encounter with God was overwhelmed by their own sinfulness. How do you view yourself? Does your view line up with the Word of God?

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God Given Grace Gifts

~ Natural Abilities & Spiritual Gifts ~  

Are “natural abilities” and “spiritual gifts” the same? No! In some ways they are similar, but in other ways there are significant differences. 

Same Source ~ Both natural abilities and spiritual gifts are given to us by God. 

Same Characteristic ~ Both natural abilities and spiritual gifts are inherent capacities—as opposed to learned skills. However, use of either improves your gifts. 

Different Time of Reception ~ Natural abilities are innately possessed from the time of physical birth (our human birth). Spiritual gifts are innately possessed from the time of spiritual birth (“born again”). Natural abilities are received at the time of conception—spiritual gifts are received at the time of conversion. 

Different Possession ~ Both those born naturally and those who are born again have natural abilities. Only twice-born persons have spiritual gifts. 

Different Purpose ~ Natural abilities are life-oriented. Spiritual gifts are ministry-oriented. Natural abilities are given to us by God primarily for functioning in the world. Spiritual gifts combined with natural abilities are given to us by God for functioning in the church. Natural abilities are related to our life in general. Spiritual gifts are related to our ministry. 

KEY CONCEPT ~ The word translated “gift” in Scripture possesses a root of “grace.” In reality a more accurate term for spiritual gifts would be “grace gifts.” This is true also of natural abilities—both natural abilities and spiritual gifts are literally grace gifts from God. Both are given to us—we cannot earn them or buy them. They are items of grace in that they are not earned in any way by us. Realizing this truth should remove any feelings of either superiority or inferiority. “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29). 

OVERVIEW ~ Does everyone have spiritual gifts? Yes, every born-again person has received spiritual gifts (plural) at the time of their second birth. Not all gifts are of the same strength. Many will have one or more very strong gifts. Like natural abilities, we all have varying degrees of spiritual gifts but in different measures.    

Since Jesus Christ is your role model and He demonstrated a proficiency in all the spiritual gifts, I believe it is appropriate to seek to grow all your spiritual gifts while you minister in areas of your strongest ones. Regarding spiritual gifts and spiritual empowerment, your Lord told you to rely on the Holy Spirit for spiritual enablement (Mark 13:11).

It is important to recognize that while natural talents and spiritual gifts are often closely related, there are other times when the two are quite divergent. As an example, a friend of mine who was a nationally-recognized theologian and great preacher told me, “I am not a good speaker (natural talent) but I am a gifted preacher (spiritual gift).”  

THE BOTTOM LINE ~ The important thing is not which spiritual gifts you possess in strength—He determines that. What matters is what you do with these grace gifts you have been given—you determine that.           

ADDITIONAL COMMENT:  There is more information about spiritual gifts and natural abilities in the book Thy Will Be Done On Earth (see the TWBDOE tab at the top of this page for more information). 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

7 Vessels

~ A Progression of Healthy Christians ~

There are many word pictures of Christians in the Bible. One of my favorites is the image of vessels. They can be listed in a seven-step progression in the Christian life.

Chosen Vessels ~ In the Old Testament we find Israel is God’s chosen people. In the New Testament individual Christians are chosen by God. For example we read concerning the apostle Paul, “He is a chosen vessel unto Me” (Acts 9:15).

Broken Vessels ~ All mankind is marred by the Fall of Man in the original garden. In order to come to Christ, an individual must realize his brokenness and see his sin as God sees it. Many times after becoming a Christian we go through periods of trial which breaks us even more. David wrote, “I am like a broken vessel” (Psalm 31:12).

Emptied Vessels ~ When a vessel is broken that which is inside spills out—but often not all of the contents. A dirty vessel will contaminate the material which I put into it. As Christians we need to completely empty ourselves so that the Spirit of God may fill us completely. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:7).

Molded Vessels ~ Vessels come in all sizes and shapes and are useful for many different purposes. “Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: ‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?’ says the LORD. ‘Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand…’ ” (Jeremiah 18:5-6). Christians, like vessels, exhibit great variety. God Himself is molding each one of us. God shapes us with different natural abilities and spiritual gifts for His purpose in our lives.

Filled Vessels ~ God wants us to be “filled with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:18) so that we are useful to His kingdom and His purposes. There is a story of an elderly Christian who related his idea of the Christian life this way. “Inside me lives a black dog and a white dog—whichever I feed is the one that controls the other.” While simple in explanation, this is a profound explanation of the Christian life. The key question is are we feeding our natural sin nature or our new spiritual life we received at our second birth?

Dedicated Vessels ~ Non-believing vessels are headed for destruction, but when we accepted Christ as our Savior He set us apart (sanctified us or dedicated us) for Himself. “Vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, even us whom He called” (Romans 9:22-24).

Useful Vessels ~ God has a purpose for each of our lives. Are we fulfilling His purpose for our life? At natural birth we receive natural abilities. At the second, spiritual, birth we are given spiritual gifts. The purpose of spiritual gifts is to serve others. Once we become a Christian our purpose in life is to be a “ministering vessel” (1 Chronicles 9:28). Are we fulfilling our calling?

There are other descriptive terms in Scripture applied to the concept of individuals as vessels. The key point to remember is that God is able—and desires—to use every vessel He has!

CONTEMPLATE: At what level in this seven step-progression are you right now?