Showing posts with label book: Sonlight Sunlight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book: Sonlight Sunlight. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

EXTRA: June eBook Specials

~ This Month’s eBook Specials ~


What if the significance of “light” in Scripture is far more than you thought?


FREE TODAY! Christian Nonfiction

6-Award Book


“This powerful, thought-provoking book inspires as it amazes. Both scripturally and scientifically, Mr. Russell shows how the secrets of our universe are intimately connected with light and how light remarkably unlocks the truth about all things.” —Jean Luc


“He obviously is hitting on all twelve cylinders! What an exciting insight into Christ as the light of the world. Thank God for people like this who have the background to illuminate some of these Biblical concepts.” —Dr. Joe Aldrich, Former President, Multnomah Bible College & Biblical Seminary


2 FREE BOOKS TODAY! << 6 Book Awards

(BOOK 1) GOD’S NATURE: Sonlight Sunlight 

Available from Amazon GOD’S NATURE: Sonlight Sunlight


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ISBN: 978-1393359371


     (BOOK 2) GOD’S LIGHT: How To Respond

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NOTE: These two eBooks consist of the updated print book “GOD’S NAURE: Sunlight Sonlight” which won 6 national and international literary awards.