Showing posts with label introversion #8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label introversion #8. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2022

O.T. Joseph Introversion

 ~ Introversion of the Life of Joseph


Introduction  ~  The Biblical account of the life of Joseph is recorded in Genesis 37-50.  His life is in many ways a “type” or foreshadowing of Jesus Christ (potential subject for future posts).  What follows is an outline of Joseph’s life.  


~1~ The beginning of the Joseph account – 37:2-11

~~2~ Jacob mourns Joseph – 37:12-26  

~~~3~ Reversals of the first born – 38:1-30

~~~~4~ Joseph enslaved in Egypt – 39:1-23

~~~~~5~ Favor and disfavor before Pharaoh – 40-41

~~~~~~6~ Joseph’s brothers journey to Egypt – 42-43


~~~~~~6~ Jacob journeys to Egypt – 45:21-46:30

~~~~~5~ Favor before Pharaoh – 46:31-47:12

~~~~4~ Joseph enslaves in Egypt – 47:13-27

~~~3~ Reversals of the first born – 47:28—49:28

~~2~ Joseph mourns Jacob – 49:29-50:14

~1~ The conclusion of the Joseph account – 50:15-26 


Note  ~  The origination of this particular introversion is believed to be by Greg Trull.   


Comment  ~  Abundant Life Now has previously published introverted outlines (or parallel outlines known as chiasms).  For those who would like to review them here are the links to those prior posts. 

Does History Repeat Itself? ~  Around and around we go! ~ January 25, 2011  

Bible Introversion  ~ Introversion Outline of the Bible ~ April 15, 2017

Bible Hourglass   ~ This Bible Outline Encompasses All Time ~ April 22, 2017

10 Commandments Today, 14of14  ~ Notice the Introversion of the Ten Commandments ~ June 28, 2018

Bible Introversion, 2 ~ Introversion Outline of the Bible, 2 ~ September 10, 2020

EXTRA: 2020 Election ~ Nation’s Historical Cycle Throughout History ~ October 21, 2020

Noah Introversion ~ The Symmetrical Account of Noah ~ January 21, 2021 


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.

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