Showing posts with label 1 Peter 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 Peter 2. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

7 Roles of the Christian

7 Roles in 1 Chapter

The Word of God provides many word pictures of the Christian. There are seven in 1 Peter chapter 2.

(1) Babes in Christ (v. 2) ~ Babies need assistance even in feeding themselves. Babies are characterized by dependence. They naturally “desire the pure milk of the Word.”

(2) Living stones (v. 5) ~ Stones were used in Biblical times as major components in building. Jesus Christ is the foundation, and individual believers are added to the “spiritual house” of God.

(3) A holy priesthood (v. 5) ~ The priesthood assists others in worshipping God. We are to offer “spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.”

(4) Strangers (v. 11) ~ A stranger is abiding away from home. As the old hymn states, “This world is not my home…” Our purpose and role on earth is to “glorify God.”

(5) Pilgrims (v. 11) ~ Pilgrims are more than strangers in that they are travelling toward home. “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through.” On our journey we are to be focused and avoid that which “wars against our soul.”

(6) Servants (v. 18) ~ Servants obediently meet the needs of others. They willingly sacrifice their own needs and desires for the good of their Master.

(7) Sufferers (v. 20) ~ Sufferers are more than servants in that they are submitting to undeserved hurt. Patience while suffering is “commendable to God.”

CONTEMPLATE: The difference between a stranger (or a pilgrim) and a tourist.