Showing posts with label Martyr’s Oath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martyr’s Oath. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Martyr’s Oath

~ Do You Support This?  Would You Sign A Copy? ~

Introduction  ~  Dr. Samuel Thomas is President of Hopegivers International, an organization that serves orphans and at-risk children in India by providing food, shelter, education and training as they share the Gospel.  Dr. Thomas says that after a new missionary is trained they are required to sign The Martyrs Oath before going to work as missionaries.  Here it is:

The Martyr’s Oath

I stand with the Apostle Paul in stating that “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

I take a stand to honor the Lord Jesus Christ with my hands to serve all mankind.

I take a stand to honor the Lord Jesus Christ with my feet to spread the gospel to all the ends of the earth no matter what the cost.

I take a stand to honor the Lord Jesus Christ with my lips by proclaiming the Good News to all who hear and by edifying the body of Christ.

I take a stand to honor the Lord Jesus Christ with my mind as I meditate upon His Word and His promises to me.

I give my earthly treasures and all that I possess to follow the way of the cross.

I commit to love my family, orphans, widows, lepers, the wealthy and the poor the way that Christ loved the Church.

I surrender my will and life to His will and life.

I commit to the service of the Lord by being a good steward of my time.

I surrender this body on earth to the perfect will of Jesus and should my blood be spilled may it bring forth a mighty harvest of souls.

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb. 
I will seek to honor His command. 
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.

Lord Jesus, Thy Kingdom come.  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I love my nation and my fellow citizens and I claim my nation for Christ.

I have read this pledge and understood it completely.  Being of sound mind and body, I do solemnly declare this martyr’s pledge without any persuasion of enticement.

I, _____________________, from ______________________ (Place of Birth) do hereby make the following covenant on this __________ day of _________ in the year ___________.

Additional Comment  ~  It would appear that this oath is a portrait of the “normal” Christian life—but sadly, not the “average” Christian life.

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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