Showing posts with label Luke 2:52. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luke 2:52. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2021

Reflect On 2021

 ~ How Much Progress? ~


Introduction  ~  Many would argue that our world experienced a tough year in 2021.  The COVID virus is a world-wide issue.  Many governments are going through dramatic change which can cause great uncertainties. 


Responsibility  ~  If you are a Christian you are to be growing more and more like Christ as you wait for His return.  Did you become more Christ-like in 2021?


Reflection  ~  Did you grow intellectually in 2021?  Did you intentionally pay attention to your physical health in 2021?  How about spiritual growth in 2021?  And, what about your social interaction and skills?  Remember your example and role model is none other than Jesus Christ!  Jesus said, “Follow Me.” 


Scripture  ~  “And Jesus increased in wisdom [intellectually] and stature [physically], and in favor with God [spiritually] and men [socially]” (Luke 2:52).


Closing Question  ~  Are you willing be even more intentional in 2022? 


The Most Important Issue In Life  ~  Have you settled your eternal destiny?  Right this moment you are headed for either heaven or hell – there is no third alternative.  Unless you make a deliberate decision you are headed to an eternal punishment.  If you are ready to receive the forgiveness and loving acceptance that Christ offers then it is as simple as A-B-C:

A” ~ Admit that you have sinned and need a strength beyond your own.

B” ~ Believe in the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

C” ~ Choose to trust Christ as your Savior and to learn of Him, seek to follow Him, and in so doing possess “the peace that passes any human understanding.” 

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~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.

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