Thursday, May 16, 2024

Beginning—End Introversion

~ The Bible Has a Symmetrical Aspect ~


Introversion of The Bible


God and Righteous People in Paradise – Genesis 1-2

… Satan and Sin Enter – Genesis 3-5

…… The World Judged and Destroyed – Genesis 6-9

……… One World Government – Genesis 10-11

………… 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL – Genesis 12—Malachi 4

…………       God’s Holy People (The Jews)

………………………….. The Son of God – Matthew—John

………… 12 DISCIPLES – Acts—Jude

…………       God’s Holy People (The Church)

……… One World Government – Revelation 1-18

…… The World Judged and Destroyed – Revelation 6—19

… Satan and Sin Exit – Revelation 20

God and Redeemed People in Paradise – Revelation 20-22


Credit ~ The original source of this cycle is unknown.


Comment ~ The only solution for nations which have forgotten that their success comes from God is a spiritual revival.  Spiritual revivals always start with individuals before spreading nationally.  “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).


Epilog ~ This is the tenth introverted outline (or parallel outlines known as chiasms) published by Abundant Life Now. For those who would like to review them here are the links to those prior posts. 


[1] Does History Repeat Itself? ~ Around and around we go! ~ January 25, 2011  

[2] Bible Introversion ~ Introversion Outline of the Bible ~ April 15, 2017

[3] Bible Hourglass  ~ This Bible Outline Encompasses All Time ~ April 22, 2017

[4] 10 Commandments Today, 14of14  ~ Notice the Introversion of the Ten Commandments ~ June 28, 2018

[5] Bible Introversion, 2 ~ Introversion Outline of the Bible, 2 ~ September 10, 2020

[6] EXTRA: 2020 Election ~ Nation’s Historical Cycle Throughout History ~ October 21, 2020

[7] Noah Introversion ~ The Symmetrical Account of Noah ~ January 21, 2021 

[8] Joseph Introversion ~ Introversion of the Life of Joseph (O.T.) ~ October 29, 2021

[9] Cycle of the Nations ~ Nation’s Don’t Learn from History ~ January 20, 2023

[10] Today’s introversion ~ “Beginning—End Introversion” ~ May 16, 2024


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.


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