Monday, July 4, 2016

True Freedom

~ The Greatest of All Freedoms ~

Consider  ~  (1) The combination of freedom and character is powerful!  Freedom gives you the opportunity to make decisions.  Character is the choosing to make right decisions.  (2) Freedom from controlling sin in your life is the greatest of all freedoms. 

An Old Protestant Hymn: 

            Know this, that every soul is free
                        To choose his life and what he’ll be;
            For this eternal truth is given
                        That God will force no man to heaven.
            He’ll call, persuade, direct aright,
                        And bless with wisdom, love, and light,
            In nameless ways be good and kind,
                        But never force the human mind. 

Choose  ~  “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord!  And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:14-15).  Now you shall say to this people, ‘Thus says the Lord: “Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death”’” (Jeremiah 21:8).  Jesus Christ said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16-17). 

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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