Saturday, February 5, 2022

Myth, 128

 ~ Sometimes Christians Need to Concede Defeat ~


Myth  ~  Some see Christians as weak, helpless, and defeated individuals.  Unfortunately there are time when Christians see themselves that way.


Reality  ~  There is no need for that type of attitude or demeanor.  It is God Himself who fights for us.  God and you together are victorious.  Just like any war, the spiritual war is made up of individual skirmishes along the way.  We may not win every battle but victory in this war is assured.  Even in the skirmishes we can have His perfect peace and therefore be triumphant in our soul. 


Scripture  ~  God [allows us to] always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus” (2 Corinthians 2:14). 


Comment  ~  In order to consistently triumph in our battles we need to focus on the battle plan laid out for us in Scripture. 


Quotes  ~  “A major need for the Church: We have got to get people out of infancy and into the infantry.”  ~ Dr. Earl Radmacher 


“Prayer is not a preparation for the battle; it is the battle!”  ~ Leonard Ravenhill 


“A man who is not a Christian is Satan’s prisoner: Satan has him where he wants him.  If, however, the becomes a Christian, Satan views him as an escaped prisoner, and goes to war against him to try to recapture him.”  ~ J.I. Packer 


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.

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