Saturday, February 26, 2022

Myth, 131

 ~ Christians Don’t Have Enough Resources ~


Myth  ~  Christians are often expected to do more than they are capable of including not having enough resources.


Reality  ~  What God calls you to do He will provide all you need.  There is absolutely no valid reason to use resources as an excuse for obedient action. 


Scripture  ~  My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19)


Quotes  ~  “The problem for most Christians is not knowledge but obedience.”  ~ John MacArthur 


“Only he who believes is obedient and only he who obeys believes.”   ~ Dietrich Bonhoffer


Question  ~  Are you obedient? 


~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW blog.

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