Sunday, June 17, 2012

Quote: Division by Denominations

~ Does It Displease God? ~

Does God condone differing denominations?

The following is an excerpt from a book.

The reality of multiple denominations and individual differences is not necessarily a bad thing in God’s eyes. We must remember that God is the author of variety—whether in snowflakes, fingerprints, or the stars and the planets. Our Father knows that because of the differences He has built into humans, some will prefer a more formal style of worship and others a more casual style. Some are comfortable in a small intimate local church while others appreciate the offerings of a much larger local church.

Unpleasing to our Father are two things. The first is when our core doctrines are not Biblical—especially in regard to beliefs about Jesus Christ and His work on earth, His death, burial, and resurrection. The second is when we lose our sense of unity with all who are a part of His Church. We must firmly understand that the work of salvation was done on the Cross and that there is nothing more to do by the believer in regard to gaining salvation. This belief of “done versus do” is the clear divide between Biblical teaching and false doctrine and the various cults. But God our Father desires that we keep the unity of the faith with all who are truly members of His Church.

~ from “ONE PRECIOUS PEARL: God’s Design for His Church, pg 70  (ISBN: 9780741462329)
Learn more about this important book at Amazon, the Publisher, or the Author’s website.

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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