Sunday, April 16, 2017

Only One Man

~ There Was, Is, and Always Will Be Only One Like This Man ~

The following is reprinted from


The greatest man in history was named Jesus.
He had no servants, yet they called Him Master.
He had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.
He had no medicine, yet they called Him Healer.

He had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today!

Master  ~  Jesus taught us to serve others.  He was proof of that when He washed his disciples feet.  Jesus was always serving and helping others.

Teacher  ~  Jesus didn’t need to be taught as he is God.  He knew everything.  So He already knew the Word.  He is the light that came into the world to being understanding about God and Him.  He came to teach us so we can have eternal life through Him.

Healer  ~  Want to know who are ultimate physician is.  That is Jesus Christ.  He healed many people.  He cured the leopards.  He caused the blind to see.  The lame to walk.  He even healed the dead by making them alive today.  He can do the same for us.  I am glad he conquered death so we can have eternal life through Him.

Feared Him  ~  As soon as they learned about the birth of Jesus, rulers wanted all male boys killed.  They didn’t want anyone to take over their kingdom.  They were also looking for a mighty warrior to come, not a servant like how Jesus came into the world.  So these rulers and kings felt threatened by Him.  Even the religious leaders felt threatened by Him too.

Conquered the World  ~  Jesus not only conquered the world, but he conquered death.  He died and arose from the dead so we can live with Him and our Heavenly Father, God.  He conquered death, the penalty for our sins.  So that means Jesus has victory over our sins and death.  He died for our sins.  Even those little sins.

Crucified Him  ~  As I said earlier, the religious leaders also feared Him.  They had Jesus put to death.  They put Him up on a cross to die for our sins.  The cross to me is a sign of forgiveness.  It is also a sign of love.  No greater love then he that lays down their life for another.  That is exactly what Jesus did for us.  He paid our sin debt.  A Debt we could not pay.  He paid that debt He didn’t owe.

He Lives!  ~  Because Jesus conquered death, he is alive.  He is alive and making intercession on our behalf to the Father.  He is telling our Heavenly Father.  I died for this child.  My blood was shed for them.  Death has no victory of Jesus because Jesus has the victory over death.  Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow, as the old hymnal goes.  I am glad I serve a Risen Savior.  One that is alive today.  Because He is alive we can have that person relationship with Him.  There is no bones about it.  He is alive today!  That tomb is empty!  The stone rolled away.  So don’t go seeking Him in the dead, because He is alive and among us today.  He dwells inside of all of us.  Be that light to a lost and dying world.


the key question:  “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15).  This is the most important question you will ever answer.  If you do not answer it, or answer it incorrectly, you have made the biggest mistake anyone can make!

~ Robert Lloyd Russell, ABUNDANT LIFE NOW

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